M-Net Africa celebrated its hit show Tinsel’s 1000th episode on Thursday May 23, at Eko Hotel & Suites, Lagos. It was a star-studded event, but for a million reasons, my best dressed of the night was Nollywood actress Ebube Nwagbo. I mean check her out, from her bald hair - the nice make up - the high neck blouse - the white blazer - the pointed pink shoes, gosh....she nailed it. I've never seen anyone who rocked a bald hair so good like this.
Eby please no more Posh, Peruvian, Brazilian, Remy, Indian, Mongolian hairs for you, innugo oh. You are now officially the 'Ambassador for Bald Hair' :) Or what do you think?
Photo Credit: Bella Naija
She is super hot.love everything about her
ReplyDeleteYou can say that again..she's absolutely gorgeous.