Saturday, 3 November 2012

Triumph Over Tragedy: Most Premature Triplets to have Survived inBritain

Another related story to a post published on this Blog, "Baby survived without Amniotic Fluid". Our God is indeed a miracle-working God.

Max, Harvey and Lucas Udell are the most premature triplets ever to have survived in Britain after they were delivered by emergency C-section at just 24 weeks and five days, weighing under 2lb each.

The couple conceived the boys naturally, and all was going well with the pregnancy until nearly 25 weeks, when Rachael experienced bad pelvic pains. She was rushed to hospital in Bristol and her waters broke. The doctors performed an emergency Caesarean section when they realised her babies' arrival was imminent.

The triplets, who were due on March 6 2012, were whisked away from their parents straightaway, and taken to neo-natal intensive care units in incubators.

After 12 blood transfusions, a life-saving operation on a tear in Max's stomach and three months in hospital, all three are now at home, and although the boys require round-the-clock attention, Rachael, 31, and Ashley, 29, a gardener from Trowbridge, Wiltshire, are over the moon to finally have their boys home safe and sound.

"It is fantastic to have them home - we finally feel like a proper family," says Rachael.

"Their eyes are still developing and they are having checks all the time. People look at them and say they look so tiny, but to us they look massive."

Congrats to Rachael and Ashley......

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